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[00:00:00.00] [MUSIC PLAYING]

[00:00:03.98] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Welcome to the Insurance Technology Podcast. I am here with your host, Reid Holzworth. Reid, how are you doing?

[00:00:11.46] REID HOLZWORTH: I'm doing great. Who are you? What's your name?

[00:00:13.63] [LAUGHTER]

[00:00:16.12] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I have many hats. Today, I am playing co-host.

[00:00:19.83] REID HOLZWORTH: [LAUGHS] You haven't been co-hosting all the time recently, I'm just saying.

[00:00:25.32] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I know.

[00:00:25.55] REID HOLZWORTH: You've been delegating out those responsibilities to others.

[00:00:28.95] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Well, I've been learning from the best on how to delegate.

[00:00:31.15] [LAUGHTER]

[00:00:36.50] But, no, seriously, this is going to be our last episode for 2024. We're going to take some time off and come back after the holidays.

[00:00:46.77] REID HOLZWORTH: Nice.

[00:00:47.21] CHRISTEN KELLEY: And so I was told that what we should do for this last one is review the year and talk a little bit about where we think we're going to go in '25.

[00:00:57.14] REID HOLZWORTH: All right.

[00:00:58.68] CHRISTEN KELLEY: So first question-- and I'm going to focus on positive things, no negative things. If you look back across this year, 2024, what is one of the best things that happened that's work related or professional related?

[00:01:17.03] REID HOLZWORTH: Work related, professional related? Woof. Let me think about that. Well, I'll say that here at Ivans, we've always been known as the download company. And we are, and that's what we've done for a very, very long time. And we'll continue to do that.

[00:01:34.68] But I'm excited that this year was the first year where we really changed as an organization to where all of our pipeline, new deals, revenue, makeup is not just download anymore. And it's coming from all the products that we've been building over the last couple of years, and refining, and iterating on that are now coming about. Things like book roll or book rolls, crushing it.

[00:02:05.24] I mean, I saw the numbers today. It was over 3.5 billion this year or something, insane. 3.5 billion over the pipe, over book rolls. This is a book roll tool, which is super cool. Insights is crushing it. IDP as well. And so, yeah, it's really exciting to see the business starting to come together into something different than what it was and what it's always been. So I'm super excited about that.

[00:02:33.82] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Yeah, it's adding on to it too. It's adding on to what we've done.

[00:02:35.93] REID HOLZWORTH: Oh, yeah, totally. You're right. It's just like building upon all of it. And I think what's cool too is now, what-- we're already working on it this year. But what we're going to see next year is all those things being connected together as well, which just makes it that much more better.

[00:02:54.59] And then what I'm really excited about too is we've kicked off a huge project this year in this last quarter around, what else could we build for the industry here at Ivans? And, yeah, we've identified some really, really big things that we can go and solve that we're going to do. So more to come there, and so I'm super excited about that.

[00:03:21.68] And it's really bringing everything together, including the Planck team as well as Applied, and us, and then the industry. And so I'm super excited about all that. It's pretty cool. It's funny. I was going to say, it's crazy because it takes a really long time-- much longer than you think, than I think to build a product, bring it to market.

[00:03:50.50] Generally, for a product to start to really get traction, it takes a while of iterating, getting it out there in the market between multiple people, it's customers really. So it's tough. And so it just-- I don't know-- I just want to call that out. Because it's like it blows my mind. It's taken us a couple of years once launched, once released to really get a market and really start to see major traction. But I don't know. Maybe to some, that's not that long.

[00:04:20.71] CHRISTEN KELLEY: No. I think we're seeing the traction because the value is there. Like, you brought up book roll. I mean, I just love hearing agencies be like, wait a minute, I don't have to print anything? Or, I don't have to get this massive file out of my AMS and send it off to my carriers? You're saving me so much time. So I love those things.

[00:04:42.46] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah, so that's me. How about you, Christen?

[00:04:46.71] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Oh, best thing at work?

[00:04:48.49] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah.

[00:04:49.29] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I think, Ivans Connect, Dublin.

[00:04:53.18] REID HOLZWORTH: Oh, yeah.

[00:04:54.06] CHRISTEN KELLEY: That was something that I never thought that I'd walk into the keynote and have it be standing room only. And that was amazing. So for those of you that were there and got to hear everything-- and you had brought up Planck. I think, just adding all of the pieces together, having it be an Ivans Planck where our parent company wants us to go, I think really drove the most people that we've ever gotten, which is great. Because, I mean, that's what I'm here to do is create awareness around Ivans. So it was awesome to get to have new people come in and see what we're all about.

[00:05:27.72] REID HOLZWORTH: Ivans Connect was awesome. I mean, we doubled attendance literally. And, yeah, it was standing room only. It was crazy. It was way more than we thought. We thought we'd get a little over. But it was a lot. And it's really cool. It's really exciting. Next year is going to be an even better one. I think we got it finally figured out. Not that we haven't, but you know what I'm saying. We're getting it down to a science.

[00:05:50.14] And Applied Net was awesome, of course. So this next year will be back in Vegas, the Aria. So that'll be fun once again. But, yeah, looking forward to that for sure, next year. That's a great event. I mean, Applied, that whole situation is just so fun-- it really is. I don't care. I got to get-- no, I'm not self-promoting here, folks. It is a lot of fun. There's a lot of cool people there. It's a good time. And it's a lot of great information, a lot of stuff you learn a lot coming out of that. But anyways, yeah, it was good.

[00:06:22.37] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Yeah, it definitely was. It definitely has transformed from a user, like in how to use Applied products type of conference-- which still does education around that-- but has become really a place where everybody's coming together from all the different stakeholders within the industry.

[00:06:41.21] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah.

[00:06:42.80] CHRISTEN KELLEY: All right. So you said Applied Net was really fun. But I would say that's more professional side. Is there anything on your personal side that was like, a fun or good thing that happened this past year?

[00:06:59.90] REID HOLZWORTH: I did a lot of fun stuff this year. I don't know. The thing that I keep coming back to is, I think, one of the most fun things I did this last year was a spear-fishing tournament I had down in Key West with my buddies. It was so much fun. We had the best time ever. [LAUGHS] And so I'm definitely looking forward to that next year. [LAUGHS]

[00:07:21.44] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Can you not have it be right before Insurtech Boston?

[00:07:26.11] REID HOLZWORTH: I'm sorry. I mean, it has to be. It ends on Cinco de Mayo. I mean, I can't not have that. And it's the opening of hogfish season, I mean, grouper season. So anyways, nope, sorry. You can move Insurtech Boston.

[00:07:41.09] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I did. It's actually two weeks later this year. So you'll have time to recover.

[00:07:44.34] [LAUGHTER]

[00:07:46.76] REID HOLZWORTH: That's called being the boss right there, you see that? [LAUGHS]

[00:07:52.10] CHRISTEN KELLEY: No, we are scheduled for the 15th this year for Insurtech Boston.

[00:07:56.34] REID HOLZWORTH: That's awesome. That gets in-- starts getting into the busy season around then, lots going on. But, yeah, no, that was fun. How about you? What'd you do, Christen?

[00:08:07.28] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Nothing.

[00:08:08.33] REID HOLZWORTH: Nothing?

[00:08:09.53] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Definitely, not spearfishing. We were talking about this earlier. I think all of the cool places I traveled was because of work. So I guess that shows that we have a great culture, but it's true. I look back and I'm like, where did I go? Had some great times in Nashville and in Florida, but most of them were connected to work stuff. So--

[00:08:30.69] REID HOLZWORTH: Hey, we're kicking off our leadership meeting Q1 January, Key West. That's what's up. [LAUGHS] That's going to be fun.

[00:08:41.06] CHRISTEN KELLEY: And then do sales kick off right afterwards?

[00:08:43.04] REID HOLZWORTH: Oh, I know, yeah. Then we go right from that to SKO in Orlando. It's in Orlando again this year, right?

[00:08:49.16] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Yep.

[00:08:49.60] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah.

[00:08:50.15] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Yes, it is.

[00:08:50.80] REID HOLZWORTH: Yep.

[00:08:52.27] CHRISTEN KELLEY: All right. So podcast, we had lots of interviews this year. Is there any topic or person that sticks out in your head from some of your recent interviews?

[00:09:01.37] REID HOLZWORTH: I really enjoyed Dr. Doug Brackmann, author of Driven. I've known Doug for a while. And like I said, I read his book, and I really enjoyed that. It's just his insight and all of it. And it's just for me, it was quite wild as he goes through some of that, even if you read the book, like how spot on he is about stuff.

[00:09:25.48] And, yeah, I mean, I really enjoyed him. But I think his outlook on life and everything, he's really interesting dude. So I really, really enjoyed that. We had a lot of good guests though this year. I mean, we really did. We just keep cranking these things out. It's wild. We're almost at 100 episodes or something, you said.

[00:09:44.69] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I think we'll hit 100 next year sometime, yeah. I'll have to do some sort of hundredth episode party.

[00:09:51.80] REID HOLZWORTH: What about you? What did you like? I mean, for the ones that you were at, just saying. [LAUGHS]

[00:10:00.85] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I will say-- so, yeah, Dr. Doug was good. I think, looking at all of the different topics that we're trying to take on and also having people that may not have been on, say, the podcast circuit, if you will, like taking on new people-- - that sticks out in my head is Joe Stevenson, just because-- I think it's two reasons.

[00:10:24.47] One, anybody that has cop stories always is entertaining to listen to. But also the topic of fraud is something-- and we've talked about it afterwards. The amount of money that happens because of insurance fraud, but that it's not really like a big trendy topic, and we don't really talk about it and how to-- and so I just love that we brought that topic out and that he was able to give the audience some things that him and his crew are working on. He's actually at another organization now, but he's still focused in on insurance and trying to help with fraud detection.

[00:11:03.46] REID HOLZWORTH: I enjoyed that one. It's interesting after that episode, for me, it changed the way I thought a little bit about fraud and just about the industry and as like a technologist within this industry, how does fraud fit into it. I wasn't as aware that it was at that level-- at the level it is. And it just-- it's this huge money.

[00:11:26.19] So it's definitely become like because of that, it's more on my radar as I'm thinking through things and solutions and stuff that we can do to impact the industry. And so it really opened my eyes a lot. And I really enjoyed it. He's just a good dude too. And it's funny-- I'm not joking-- interviewing a cop. That was funny.

[00:11:45.33] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Versus the other way around.

[00:11:46.51] REID HOLZWORTH: I think, versus the other way around, which God knows has happened a few times. [LAUGHS]

[00:11:52.92] CHRISTEN KELLEY: No, he's going to join us at Insurtech Boston this year, actually.

[00:11:55.42] REID HOLZWORTH: Oh, yes? Oh, nice. That's awesome. Oh, that'll be great. That'll be great. But it's just a different lens on that whole world. It was really good. And there was, I think, two kind of the Brackmann story a little bit. There's also some stuff that he brought me through, just him and I chatting one on one on stuff. It's freaking wild, like, stuff that he couldn't really say to the public. Pretty cool, but interesting, really interesting story there for sure.

[00:12:23.25] CHRISTEN KELLEY: All right. So some things that if we're going to talk about 2024, I don't think we-- we have to talk about them because it was part of the news cycle for so long. So first one, I'm going to talk about CrowdStrike. [LAUGHS]

[00:12:39.06] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah, what a mess that was. Oh, I got-- I'm trying not to cuss as much these days.

[00:12:47.02] [LAUGHTER]

[00:12:48.74] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Is that going to be your New Year's resolution?

[00:12:51.09] REID HOLZWORTH: No. Fuck, no. But I got screwed on that situation, personally. I was going on a cruise with all my kids. I mean, I lost thousands of dollars because I missed the flight. Couldn't get a flight. No way around it. Missed the cruise. And they're like, it's not our fault you missed the cruise. And like, hey, travel insurance, everyone. Who would have known? But that was crazy.

[00:13:21.90] For us, I mean, we were very fortunate on Ivans. We were down for only a little bit, like a few hours. That's it. But, man, that was a mess for some, big time. Overall, Applied, I mean, they were up real quick. But overall for some companies, it was a real problem.

[00:13:40.76] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I think, yeah, Delta was days. Right?

[00:13:44.24] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah.

[00:13:45.15] CHRISTEN KELLEY: And so you talked about the insurance part of it. And, of course, we always have to take the insurance angle. There was something, as I was researching for this episode, that I was delegated by my boss to do.

[00:13:59.16] [REID LAUGHS]

[00:14:03.20] So basically, they were saying that 8.5 million Windows devices globally were impacted, which is crazy. And it's an estimated $5.4 billion in losses.

[00:14:19.58] REID HOLZWORTH: $5.4 billion in losses.

[00:14:22.41] CHRISTEN KELLEY: But insurance impact, not seen as much-- and anyone from Guy Carpenter who wants to give us more of their information. But basically, they were one of the ones who were cited as saying that because there's not a lot of coverage around system failure, that it really actually didn't impact the insurance companies in a material way.

[00:14:47.08] REID HOLZWORTH: [LAUGHS] So no claims were really paid because this wasn't a thing, prior. Is that what--

[00:14:54.44] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I mean, I'm sure they did, but I think it made people look at their policies probably a little bit closer. Because if you don't read the fine print, maybe you're not covered for things like this.

[00:15:06.75] REID HOLZWORTH: Wow. And maybe you didn't know this. What happened with them after this? Did they just get hammered? I mean, is it like-- I wonder, the business--

[00:15:16.92] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Their evaluations definitely went down. I think, year over year it was like-- and now I'm going to have to go fact check myself. But, yeah, I mean, they didn't-- it did not go well for their valuation.

[00:15:32.30] REID HOLZWORTH: That's wild though. That was crazy. I mean, who knew? Like, who would have thought to think about that stuff?

[00:15:37.96] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Oh, I just think about all the things that we do internally before we push out a release in terms of testing, that-- something that got out.

[00:15:46.30] REID HOLZWORTH: It's crazy.

[00:15:50.93] CHRISTEN KELLEY: So we're going to go from one type of disaster to another. Hurricane season was like nothing else we have ever seen. I think we're actually at the other side. The hurricane season is officially over now?

[00:16:02.11] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah.

[00:16:03.52] CHRISTEN KELLEY: But, yeah, they said the Atlantic Basin saw 18 named storms in '24. And 11 of those turned into hurricanes, and 5 intensified to major hurricanes with winds over 111 miles an hour.

[00:16:17.80] REID HOLZWORTH: Jesus, yeah.

[00:16:19.67] CHRISTEN KELLEY: So the two to hit landfall, Helene and Milton. And thank God, I would say that our company, our staff, yes, we had some people that were impacted. But again, reading through all of this from an insurance angle, the estimated losses that are uninsured was just crazy to me, but probably to people that were inland and never really thought that they would ever need it, like the people that got hit in the Carolinas.

[00:16:52.69] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah. I used to forget-- I probably said this on the show before. But I remember back in the day when I sold personal lines like homeowners and whatnot, we'd always try to cross sell flood. And I used to make people-- everybody on an agency, we'd make they sign a homeowner's policy and they decline flood. We did it as a cross selling tool.

[00:17:13.10] And I forgot what it was. But it was something like-- I remember in the paper that we drew up to make them sign a contract was like-- it was three times or four times, maybe even more likely to have a flood than a fire. The stat is just like, it's going to happen. It can happen in a major way. And so it's funny to think of it that way, though. Everybody gets insurance on their home. They think it's going to burn down. But, hey, it's funny.

[00:17:44.10] I'm not going to name names, but my homeowner's insurance carrier just made me put in a complete fire detection, all this stuff. I spend real money on it. And now I got to put a leak detection in. And I'm like, I'm going to rant on this a little bit. Like, what is the risk? What risk do you have? I mean, liability, but the thing's not going to burn down.

[00:18:05.53] I mean, the other day the smoke detector went off, and I was out of town. The freaking fire department showed up at my house 20 minutes later. So it's like, I don't know. But fraud, it's a risk, I guess.

[00:18:21.06] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I know. I'm just looking at-- so FEMA said that there was nearly 93% of homes with flood damage that lacked flood insurance during Helene.

[00:18:31.65] REID HOLZWORTH: Wow.

[00:18:32.46] CHRISTEN KELLEY: And that it brought-- and this is-- I love the stats that they-- so that it really hits home. Helene brought 42 trillion gallons of rain.

[00:18:43.74] REID HOLZWORTH: Wow.

[00:18:44.04] CHRISTEN KELLEY: And that's not just one state, but wholly.

[00:18:46.86] REID HOLZWORTH: True.

[00:18:47.46] CHRISTEN KELLEY: That is the equivalent to the flow of Niagara Falls for 1 and 3/4 years.

[00:18:54.68] REID HOLZWORTH: [LAUGHS] That's a lot. That's insane.

[00:18:58.72] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Flood insurance. [LAUGHS]

[00:19:00.15] REID HOLZWORTH: That's wild.

[00:19:02.79] CHRISTEN KELLEY: All right, so we looked back. Let's look forward, 2025. Is there topics or a certain type of person, a place that we have not gone yet on this podcast?

[00:19:21.88] REID HOLZWORTH: So, yeah, something I wanted to bring up too is this year, we changed the format a bit. We added different questions and whatnot. We got more into the leadership side, whatnot with people. I'd love some feedback on that, if people like it, don't like it.

[00:19:38.75] You know, hey, is there-- if we took the same profile of guests, if you will-- and we could talk about different types of guests in a second. But are there other things you want to know about? Do you want to go deeper? Do you want to go more technical, less technical? I'm just making stuff up.

[00:19:59.36] So I'm sure some of you, nerds, are like, more tech, more better. But, I mean, realistically, what makes more sense? Is the format good? Do you like it? Do you care or not care? I mean, the whole thing is when we get into it, we want the listener to really understand who the person is. Who is this person out there? Who were they in high school? What kind of music they listen to, what kind of car they drive. What was their background? Where'd they come from? What molded them into the person that they are today?

[00:20:29.40] And then it's like, OK, let's talk about your career and all of that, and how you got into insurance. And then let's talk about what you're doing now in insurance technology and all this type of stuff. And then again, you as a leader, what else could we add or maybe remove? I think would be good-- just good feedback on that.

[00:20:49.91] As far as guests are concerned, I'd love the audience's feedback on this as well. Like, I think, Doug-- Dr. Doug was different. A bunch of these were very different. And we're looking to mix it up a bit. And so what other things would you want to learn about? What other types of people do you want, specific on leadership or whatever it is. What types of humans would you want to hear from?

[00:21:16.14] Could be outside of our industry, could be a lot of things. It could be like, hey, I'd love to hear from more agencies, more carriers-- I don't know-- more on the policy administration system side or something. Just feedback around it and so, yeah.

[00:21:34.49] Because we know who we know, and we bring people on that we think that are really interesting and doing cool shit out there in the industry, and just cool shit generally. But, hey, help us figure that out, even that. I mean, you're the ones that are listening to it. We're just doing it. So we want to make sure that everybody really enjoys it.

[00:21:56.69] I don't know. I think it'd be fun to do different types of guests, just different things. I don't know, like mental health stuff and whatever. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon type stuff, but real shit that people want to learn about that affects all of us, period. I don't know.

[00:22:18.91] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I like that we added in the leadership aspect. And I think, while it is the Insurance Technology Podcast-- and that's why we started this is we have talked about offline that the people that we featured, yes, it is what they've built. But it really, truly is the person they are that allowed them to get to the level of success that they have. So I like that. But to your point, let's make sure we're doing stuff that the audience wants us to do. I'm trying to think of--

[00:22:54.89] REID HOLZWORTH: What was the drink you consumed the most of last year, Christen?

[00:22:57.97] CHRISTEN KELLEY: [LAUGHS] It's probably one of those, like the memes out there. It's coffee until a certain time, and then it's wine-- like that.

[00:23:08.36] [LAUGHTER]

[00:23:13.53] REID HOLZWORTH: Red wine. What's your wine of choice?

[00:23:16.57] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Oh, my wine of choice?

[00:23:18.25] REID HOLZWORTH: Not brand, just type.

[00:23:19.91] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Oh, well, I mean-- so it depends on the time of year. But usually, it's a Sauvignon Blanc. But right now, I'm leaning more towards Pinot noir. And it starts getting cold. And especially here in Mass, it's been very cold recently. Although it's raining now. What about you?

[00:23:45.09] REID HOLZWORTH: All of--

[00:23:45.82] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I bet I could guess.

[00:23:47.77] REID HOLZWORTH: Oh, guess, actually. Oh, actually yes, please guess. And I'm sure you'll get this one. Because my tastes have changed, but it's very real now.

[00:23:55.37] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I was just going to say, you have strayed away from your dirty martinis. You've been favoring margaritas lately.

[00:24:04.19] REID HOLZWORTH: Ooh, margaritas all the time, 100%. Yeah, I'm full of tequila. [LAUGHTER] I don't know why that switch. It's just things change, I guess. And I've just been digging the margaritas lately.

[00:24:21.49] CHRISTEN KELLEY: I guess, it's like it depends if you're hanging out and having a drink versus sitting down and having dinner. I can't drink a margarita with dinner unless it's a Mexican restaurant. And that's totally different.

[00:24:35.11] REID HOLZWORTH: I sure can. Hey, I still love a good dirty Martini though. But, yeah, that's been my drink of choice for sure.

[00:24:43.32] CHRISTEN KELLEY: All right, so we're going to take a hiatus. This will be our last one until we come back in January. So for those that are listening, if there's ones you haven't listened to this year or before-- and you also have the opportunity to not only listen but watch now, which I don't know how much I like that I have to be on camera all the time. But we have all of our episodes up on YouTube now too. Any final words for our last one of '24?

[00:25:12.24] REID HOLZWORTH: For me, '24 was just like a blur, honestly. I mean, it was just grinding. And we were grinding this year. It was a build year for me, personally. I mean, we are building lots and lots, doing a lot of things, a lot of road shows, a lot of shaking hands, kissing babies, stuff like that.

[00:25:35.16] '25 is going to be another build year for us, at least here at Ivans-- different stuff, but also a lot of execution and all the stuff that we've building this year and last. And so I'm excited for next year. I'm excited for the industry too, next year. I've done a few interviews recently and the breaking it down end of the year kind of stuff.

[00:25:56.44] And I really feel like it's all coming together. I think that when I mean, what is all, I think that the tech is starting to be utilized that's out there. A lot of the noise from the stuff that was like, this is going to change the world-- it's going away because a lot of the money has dried up on that noisy stuff. So you're seeing real solutions get real traction. And then now, you're starting to see actual adoption of these things.

[00:26:28.76] And the carriers are adopting technology like mad. They've gone or most of them gone through the transformation. So they're starting to execute on it. I think, commercial lines-- is going to be a big year for commercial lines next year.

[00:26:41.30] We're going to start to see a lot of automation and things come out around mid and large next year as well. Mark my words, 1,000%. We're already seeing it, a lot of energy around that. You're going to see a lot of startups around it too, I bet, popping up especially as some of the incumbents, if you will, are bringing these products to market.

[00:27:03.14] So you're going to see-- I see-- you'll see a lot of that next year. So I'm excited about it. It's going to be fun. Looking forward to Ivans Connect. Insurtech Boston. That's always a fun time. And so next year is going to be a good year. We're out of all this pandemic crap and all that noise around that. Yeah, I don't know. What do you think? Those are my closing thoughts. What are your closing thoughts, Christen?

[00:27:30.59] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Ditto. [LAUGHS]

[00:27:32.03] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah, that's easy.

[00:27:33.59] CHRISTEN KELLEY: No, I think the whole coming back in person is in full force. I know we talked about offline some of our connectivity report stuff. And I think we said that in-person meetings in terms of getting partnerships and how you cultivate partnerships, it's like 22% increase in in-person meetings.

[00:27:53.16] So, yeah, I think people are starting-- not only the automation side, but coming together literally in person through networking and conferences. I mean, we've seen all the ones that we are a part of just continue to grow and saw '24 be crazy. So I think '25 will just continue to see them grow.

[00:28:10.61] REID HOLZWORTH: Yeah, it's great, about time.

[00:28:14.12] CHRISTEN KELLEY: So we'll be seeing people out in person.

[00:28:18.55] REID HOLZWORTH: Yes.

[00:28:19.52] CHRISTEN KELLEY: All right. Well, happy holidays to everyone who's listening. And we will talk to you again in '25.

[00:28:25.75] REID HOLZWORTH: All right. Thanks again, Christen, for all of your co-hosting work.

[00:28:30.15] [CHRISTEN LAUGHS]

[00:28:31.57] I appreciate you. [LAUGHS] And thank you, listeners. Thank you for listening and being here with us. And please, give us some feedback. We'd love to make it the best. Help us make it the best. We don't know. We just do, and we're doing. We kind of know, but help us out, for real. So we appreciate all of you. Thank you. And, everybody, happy holidays. Hope you have some good fun, your family. Drink a bunch of eggnog, and margaritas, and red wine, or whatever you're into.

[00:28:59.66] CHRISTEN KELLEY: Not all at the same time.

[00:29:00.77] [LAUGHTER]

[00:29:05.35] REID HOLZWORTH: What time is it? Maybe I'll go do that right now. [LAUGHS] All right. Well, thanks again, enjoyed it. And enjoy the end of the year. And get ready for next year. It's going to be a fun year.