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In this episode of The Insurance Technology Podcast, Reid sits down with Deb Smallwood, founder and creator of SELFPOWERMENT (Deb M. Smallwood LLC), to discuss Deb’s deeply planted roots on the seacoast of New Hampshire and her impressive career – from starting out as a developer for Liberty Mutual to co-founding Strategy Meets Action (SMA), selling SMA, and embarking on a legacy to help women become empowered to manifest their own goals.

As we wrap up National Women’s History Month, tune in to hear how Deb’s admiration for women trailblazers like Amelia Earhart and her family of strong women shaped her own 'Why not me?' philosophy.

Episode Highlights

  • A happy life on the New Hampshire seacoast (2:08)

  • The root of Deb’s ‘Why not me’ philosophy (5:22)

  • Pursuing entrepreneurship with Strategy Meets Acton (18:46)

  • Focusing on women empowerment in semi-retirement (26:22)

See The Full Transcript


“Too many of us sat on the fence where we're unhappy where we are, either in our job, in a relationship – and at the end of the day, we're all self-powered. It's all about our choice.”

Deb Smallwood

Founder and Creator of SELFPOWERMENT

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